Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Plaids Clear Acrylic Sealer


Finalmente.. ce l’ho fatta!!
Dopo mille peripezie per procurarmi lo stampo adatto ho sfornato il primo pandoro della mia vita..
Quando ho annunciato le mie intenzioni they gave me the crazy (I first actually) but I was determined I had to try it!
Just in case you too have had this wacky idea, I want to reassure you: I mixed everything by hand .. I swear! So how
said Frederick Frankenstein: you can do!
Arm yourself with holy patience and do not be afraid to get your hands dirty .. ready? It begins!
(Do not pay much attention to the fact that mine is a bit 'pale .. I think I buttered a bit' too much the template for the fear of not being able to pull it off!)
The recipe comes from the Simili sisters.

Pandoro 057


manitoba flour 450g sugar 135g butter 170g

4 eggs 18g fresh yeast 1 teaspoon salt

first seeds of a vanilla bean

50g flour
15g fresh yeast 60g

warm water 10g sugar 1 egg

Dissolve yeast in water, add sugar, egg yolk and flour. Mix well with a fork, cover the bowl with a cloth and let rise until doubled (about an hour).

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First dough: 200g flour

3g of yeast
25g sugar 30g butter

at room temperature 1 egg 2 tablespoons water

Dissolve yeast in lukewarm water and add it to lievitino, add sugar, egg and flour . Mix well and with a certain force, you can start working in the bowl and then move on pastry. When you've got a ball well mixed, add the soft butter, facendoglielo "take" a little at a time. Do not be alarmed if at first you find the makings of a sticky, shapeless Palletta, continue to knead and is slowly absorbed everything!

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Put the dough in the bowl, Cover and let rise again an hour (or until doubled).

According dough: 200g flour

100g sugar 2 eggs 1 teaspoon salt

the seeds of the vanilla
140g of butter to browse

Shoot the dough and add the flour, eggs, sugar , salt and scrape the vanilla and mix it all again. Always work hard and long at this time. Put then again to rise for about an hour and a half.
After this time you put it in the refrigerator for 8 / 12 hours (or you can shorten this time to 40 minutes and get straight to the leaf). After this time
Inverse the dough with a rolling pin on pastry and pull trying to give a square shape, distributed throughout the butter, bring the 4 corners to center to close out the dough and be careful to seal the edges well to prevent "leakage" of butter.

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With rolling pin, flatten the dough into a rectangle and make a 3-fold.
Place in a plastic food bag or plastic wrap and put it in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
You must repeat this process 2 more times, always with the rest in a fridge between the other crease.

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Roll out slightly for the last volta e con le mani ben unte di burro cercate di richiudere gli angoli e formare una palla. Imburrate per bene uno stampo della capacità di circa 3 litri (o 750g) e adagiatevi l’impasto, con la chiusura verso l’alto.
Coprite e mettete a lievitare fino a che la pasta non supererà il bordo dello stampo di qualche centimetro.
Il mio è lievitato decisamente troppo!

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Posizionate una ciotolina d’acqua sul fondo del forno e cuocete in modalità statica a 170° per 10 minuti, poi abbassate a 160° per altri 15 minuti circa (io ho lasciato un momentino in più) comunque fate la prova stecchino per non sbagliare, dovrà uscire asciuttissimo.
Se la “cupola” dovesse scurirsi troppo in cottura (nel mio forno era veramente vicina alla resistenza!) coprite con un foglio di alluminio.
Sformate appena possibile e cospargerlo di zucchero a velo, io non l’ho fatto subito e non si è attaccato bene..
Ecco una fetta per voi!

Pandoro finito 01


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