Saturday, January 1, 2011

How Does Buddy From Cake Boss Make Fondant?

Ricotta Gnocchi

To begin this new year in the best way I have promised myself to finally all those recipes that I have spotted in recent months but for one reason or another I always set aside. .
The truth is that they are an endless curiosity, and I can not be content with what I found ... I always try something new .. but now basta, ho una lista veramente troppo lunga!
Quindi iniziamo da questi gnocchetti favolosi, ci voleva tanto?? Assolutamente no, sono facili facili!
La ricetta l’avevo trascritta mesi e mesi fa, quindi non so citarvi una fonte precisa, ma sbirciando su vari blog ne ho ritrovate molte tutte abbastanza simili..

Gnocchi di ricotta 002


250g di ricotta
1 uovo
150-180g di farina (la quantitĂ  dipende sia dalla grandezza dell’uovo sia dall’assorbimento)
6 cucchiai di formaggio grattugiato
noce moscata q.b.
sale q.b.


Lavorate la ricotta con un cucchiaio, aggiungete la nutmeg, salt and egg. Then start adding flour, a little at a time and mix well to obtain a homogeneous ball and soda, which does not stick to hands.
then unplug the portions of dough, forming cords and cut the gnocchi with a spatula or knife, give him the preferred form (here I've made some balls) and as they are ready place them on a floured tray. Boil salted water, plunge and solateli with a slotted spoon as soon as they surfaced. Season and serve immediately.


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