Monday, January 24, 2011

Hairstyle For Mother Of Bride

ღ ღ I am almost Return

Good afternoon, my friends,
in these months of absence I missed you so much ... Now I will return almost full time :-) I will try to update often about you and to update you on me.
My pregnancy is going well, the twins are growing and I hope to put some photos as soon as possible .... We have recently discovered that one is male and the other an alleged female .... so we just have to wait confirmed by morphological and then begin to buy something for them.
The first months were tough, continuous nausea and general malaise ... now go beyond the 4th month I'm already much better and in fact I left a little and today for the first time I came back to office after long time .... I tried to leave greetings to all of you .....

Kira is fine is always affectionate and cuddly, so I hope to be a great playmate for these little ones that will be the world this summer '...
Now I greet you and go back to work .... miss me too much time and there is a little 'past due ...
good evening with affection


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