Friday, February 4, 2011

Brazilian Was Fort Smith Arkansas

It's up to me ....

I received an award by 5 bloggers .. ( Paola , Crysania , Lucia, Stefania , golosina )
Girls thank you so much for thinking of me, forgive me if I am late! I'm still the same, and in this period, I neglected a little kitchen, so even my blogghino!


The rules:
I thank those who donated the prize: Done! Telling
7 if things .. (I do it now )

- It is not easy .. see .. I'm 29 years old, converted from 2 years now with my boyfriend as you know that likes to mess around in the kitchen with me (but then who I have always reorder!)
- I'm lazy: idleness personified .. if I can postpone indefinitely the one thing I do, I always find some excuse to justify but deep down I do not care about .. (Obviously we are talking about unimportant things!)
- I'm also shy and terribly insecure in almost 30 years I have not yet learned to appreciate me enough!
- I love red! Send me positive energy, and in fact is the predominant color in my kitchen
^ _ ^ - Sometimes I cry for nothing .. or rather, some emotions mi colpiscono come uno schiaffo, e immediatamente mi si riempiono gli occhi di lacrime.. capita davanti ad una pubblicità, oppure guardando la neve che cade.. insomma è imprevedibile!! Anche se davanti ad un delfino è matematico: non chiedetemi il perchè!
- Da bambina sognavo di entrare in un circo!! Ahahah giuro!! Infatti ero sempre arrampicata sugli alberi, mi piaceva fare le acrobazie e speravo che passasse qualcuno, mi vedesse e mi portasse via! ^_^
- Amo i gatti… è una passione che ho sempre avuto, fin da piccola.. forse in una vita precedente lo sono stata.. ^_^  raccattavo gattini in continuazione e li portavo a casa, mio padre non li voleva infatti regolarmente “scappavano” I took it for me but I won and took home more! Then when I went to live on my own I just got one .. lived in symbiosis, we were really in love .. I miss him even now .. I wish I could take one to take with me, but the thing is a little 'complicated at the moment .. "Someone" is not quite agree .. we'll see who will win the day!

Now I would only be awarded 10 other blogs that I like and I recently discovered .. but I'm in trouble here, I arrived late and nearly winning the blog that I have received .. then turn to you all ... feel free to take it if you like ...
I know not what you want to respect the rules ... do? They also rebel!


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