Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Where To Get An Ontario Fake Ids

ღ Ambulance for our beloved animals ღ ღ

oggi ho letto sul Corriere della sera un articolo davvero molto interessante per i nostri amici a 4 zampe.
Il 118 per i pet,   Isotta è l'«ammiraglia»

Pronto intervention for animals: ENPA launches petition to extend throughout Italy.

find the entire article here Corriere della Sera

name is Isolde, like a cat rescued after the earthquake in Italy.

E 'equipped and would soon start a tour in Italy to raise awareness on the need to prepare for our furry companions are first aid and appropriate means if necessary (which may be events " normal "or real disaster).

I find it particularly important to the implementation of the emergency room: we are different from well equipped clinics open 24 hours on 24, but I know that in several Italian regions is as if the study of the veterinarian is open from morning to night , during office hours ...

Go read. I think it's an interesting topic for us who love our pets, we have them as members of the family into our homes and all animals that may be in trouble even on the streets as strays or other .... I can not wait .. that is active throughout the Italian territory ... it would be a wonderful thing ....

this is the mascot Westy


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