Monday, February 7, 2011

Getting An Ipod To Work In A Fiesta


Do you like the bounty?
to me, and even so .. I must say that in these last two weeks I ate much less than my usual, I'm not quite back yet a "regime" .. but one thing I miss are made: chocolate!
I ate a bowl of ice cream in record time, one behind the other tablets, Nutella .... and bounty, except that I had just a few of these at home and then I thought to autoprodurmeli! I confess that I
impastrocchiata all with melted chocolate .. I have not done a good job ^ _ ^ but I lick my fingers .... and also the bowl, not even a gram is wasted ..
The recipe is super easy to Sara .

Bounty (9)

200g desiccated coconut 100g cream

80g sugar 100g dark chocolate to cover (variable amount, I used them more)
PREPARATION: Mix in a bowl
coconut, sugar and cream. Take
with moistened fingers of the small amount of dough and form a cylinder that poserete teglietta covered with parchment paper and bake in the fridge for half an hour.
Melt the chocolate and then glazed the bounty. Again place them on baking paper and let rest in refrigerator.
I like to eat fresh .. in each season.
What can I say, fine ... if you're smarter than me you could also temper the chocolate to make them shiny beautiful ... I had hurry to eat and I have not ventured! ^ _ ^
great week everyone!


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