Friday, February 25, 2011

How To Build A Boat To Hold 100 Pennies

Orange Mimosa Scented Baked Frittata with Peas and Sausage

But you have never made an omelette in the oven? For me this is the first time ever if we do not count one made in the microwave. . but that's another story!
However since we must try everything here it is, c’è da dire che sicuramente è più pratico in quanto non bisogna rivoltarla (e io in queste cose sono troppo negata, la rompo sempre!!!) però come tempi.. sono forse un po’ più lunghi.
Ovviamente non ho seguito nessuna ricetta, la frittata è una perfetta svuotafrigo e io dovevo far fuori piselli e wurstel ^_^
Frittata al forno (3)


200g circa di piselli già cotti
1-2 wurstel
4 uova
3-4 cucchiai di grana grattugiato
sale, pepe


Sbattete le uova, salate e pepate, unite i piselli e i wurstel cut into small pieces and pour everything into a baking dish greased with oil.
Sprinkle the surface with grated cheese and bake at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes.
hard right?
We must say that I am an omelet so beautiful I've never done, let alone square! But this is all about my beautiful mold Guardini who with her cheerful pink color has also brought a breath of spring ..

Frittata al forno (10)


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