Monday, February 28, 2011

Replace Vcr With Dvd Playerin Van


 Per una band attiva a partire dal 1993, è strano non avere mai sentito parlare di loro prima o dei loro precedenti 5 album e 10 EP .

Il loro sound in questo album è ingannevolmente semplice: chitarre, batteria, keyboards and prograggriming - various synth, though one wonders how much of programming, as all the sounds are introduced in an impeccable way, like a well polished diamond. In fact, sometimes it can feel like you're inside a video game, because there are various blips and beeps scattered.
Take the opening track '
Defender', for example, which has a good rhythm with the voice as a kid Xavier Boyer , but then there are harmonies that draw attention to the music. ' Easy' is exactly as it is called, is a free Footloose and fancy. Still Darlin (Adamo ed Eva)' e 'Incubi' sembrano essere un po' più scure in atmosfera, ma poi diventa puro pop.
Mi piace molto questo album. È come andare in un negozio di dolci; C'è un sacco di varietà, ma c'è un sacco di bontà per godere. Febbraio può essere scuro, tetro, piovoso, nevoso ... e 'il passato, il presente e il possibile' è l'antidoto perfetto. Awesome




Tahiti 80

Myspace Music Videos

DL: hxxp: / /

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Suitcase Combination Lock

and ' usctio

the rubber
the records new album Mathias Modica, better known as Munk. Modica un artista tedesco che divide il suo tempo tra Marsiglia e Berlino. Il suo stile tipicamente indie fonde, house e disco (
NME chiamato Gomma "la versione tedesca della DFA "), e il suo metodo di solito è quello di registrare tutto quello che lo circonda, quindi chiamare una squadra di cantanti ospiti . i record del passato hanno caratterizzato le apparizioni di artisti come James Murphy
e Nancy Whang fino ad arrivare alla corte della Ed Banger Midnight Mike , senza dimenticare la nostra Asia Argento. In "On The

Hayter New Young Pony Club , an old collaborator


Goertz, the "disco princess from Malaysia" named Sarah

. All music is performed by the same Modica, including

drum machine and

synth, piano, bass, guitar, xylophone, and "Asian percussion. Most of the songs are unreleased, but some selections are some

split 12-inch've heard, including "The Music", her single from this year was revised from
& III e inclusi nella compila dei

Out mix.

MUNK " Violent Love" MUNK Banjo Or Freakout , is the moniker of Alex Christmas, his self-titled debut album was released February 22. We have already heard the single opening album "105", but before that, I do not know if you remember, we had given birth to a free disk, available on Bandcamp , very delicate and melodic, his meditative music remember soundscapes, with hints of soft alt ether, and floating gently and cutlery in the air. I strongly recommend it for those who loves the music of the senses and if you had not already taken, take the album Christmas


DL: hxxp: / /

Mary L. Couture Dress


http://www.myspace .com / men
listening to someone
thought it recognized the sound of the guitar, the answer is simple; MEN is the new project of Mr. Le Tigre "
JD Samson , cult icon and leader of the LGBT community . MEN is a band from Brooklyn
and art / performance collective, consisting of

Ladybug Transistor

Michael O 'Neill


Ginger Brooks Takahashi

. Recently signed to


Records, the band has also already completed the U.S. tour with both Peaches and Gossip

As well as a recent mini tour of Europe including the UK, Austria, Germany and a tour headliner

West Coast

MEN I focus on the energy of all
live performance. Their music speaks of economic issues in time of war, sexual compromise, and the question of freedom through the lyrical content and an original stage show from high-energy (I highly recommend you to watch live video ). The group began in 2007 with the / production DJ / remix of Le Tigre u. But Le Tigre paused, when the duo began writing new songs, and decided to unite their efforts JDE with hirsutism. Today there are so JD and Hirsute,
Michael and Ginger as men, with Johanna
singer Emily


8 / 10

DL: hxxp: / /

Beautiful Agony Blondes


 Nel mese di ottobre, Lissvik si è seduto al suo computer a Göteborg . Stephen Ramsay e Catherine McCandless a loro a Montreal. E attraverso 3.500 miglia e Skype - ando con un amico che non hanno mai incontrato, gli Young Galaxy hanno partorito il loro terzo album.

Niente di tutto questo è stato un incidente. Young Galaxy inizialmente
hanno contattato
Lissvik durante la realizzazione del 2009 del loro secondo album, chiedendogli di mescolare una delle loro canzoni. Erano i fan del suo lavoro in Studio, dei suoi remix fatti con Fever Ray e Kylie Minogue . Invisible
Repubblic ha ottenuto una nomination al premio
, e li ha portati in concerti con Arcade
e altre stars. Ma non appena l'album è stato finito, la band ha cercato subito
'altro. "Ad un certo momento ci si stanca di te stessi", dice . "Potevo vedere che cosa stava arrivando e
of hate. By the end of this tour, in a year full of personal loss,

were not the same band, were not the same people. The
for Shapeshifting
, wrote songs at home, with songs co

and informed people like

Eurythmics, New Order and

. "Instead of picking up a guitar and find the melody more beautiful than we have,"

Ramsay says, "we have tried to delete the form of songs." They wrote songs with verses and choruses, songs that were thin, with synth

software, frammenti di linee di basso muscoloso
, hanno fatto musica che era
, esoterica, quasi
Come cantante,
è stato ispirato dalla selvaggia "mostruosità" di


Lennox e Grace Jones . " MarKio 8/10 Nel gennaio 2010 hanno inviato queste canzoni a Lissvik , e quasi ogni giorno si parlava con Skype . Pensate che gli Young Galaxy non hanno ancora mai incontrato il loro producer, and was not even a face on a screen - it was invisible, the only sound, "the voice on our computers." Some days they talked about music, geography, coffee or astral projection. A few days Lissvik
sang a melody along the cable. A sometimes played with a bit of 'album - only a bass line, a beat, a mix of 12 seconds. But that was all, until that day in October when he said: Here's what we did.

Shapeshifting is the strangest albums of all that Young Galaxy have done before, and more intimate than anything they have done in Studio. " Shapeshifting has gone out 'on February 8. Ramsay and McCandless expecting their first child on April 28 .. DL: hxxp: / /

Friday, February 25, 2011

How To Connect In My Htr 5740 Optical

BANJO OR FREAKOUT - BANJO OR FREAKOUT (2011) The review, see single. MarKo 8 / 10 Follow The Rivers
Lykke Li Unfortunately, at least until yesterday, because today its thickness can no longer go unnoticed. It 'a disc that weighs and for once it is measured by real merit. And I believe that there are still, in these times of crap from people like shit, is talking about the Anime and enchants us and hope that we really listen and learn ... not to be missed! Vale

How To Build A Boat To Hold 100 Pennies

Orange Mimosa Scented Baked Frittata with Peas and Sausage

But you have never made an omelette in the oven? For me this is the first time ever if we do not count one made in the microwave. . but that's another story!
However since we must try everything here it is, c’è da dire che sicuramente è più pratico in quanto non bisogna rivoltarla (e io in queste cose sono troppo negata, la rompo sempre!!!) però come tempi.. sono forse un po’ più lunghi.
Ovviamente non ho seguito nessuna ricetta, la frittata è una perfetta svuotafrigo e io dovevo far fuori piselli e wurstel ^_^
Frittata al forno (3)


200g circa di piselli già cotti
1-2 wurstel
4 uova
3-4 cucchiai di grana grattugiato
sale, pepe


Sbattete le uova, salate e pepate, unite i piselli e i wurstel cut into small pieces and pour everything into a baking dish greased with oil.
Sprinkle the surface with grated cheese and bake at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes.
hard right?
We must say that I am an omelet so beautiful I've never done, let alone square! But this is all about my beautiful mold Guardini who with her cheerful pink color has also brought a breath of spring ..

Frittata al forno (10)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wedding Acceptance Joke Reply

MEN - TALK ABOUT YOU (IAMASOUND 2011) / dreamdiarylovesyou
Brooklyn. Two teens face as they walk down the street and their ending ipod on the ground. In taking notice che stavano ascoltando entrambi "the queen is dead" degli Smiths. Nascono così i Dream Diary.
emmy 7/10
DL: hXXp://

2009 Easton Sv12 Softball Bat Review


al secolo


nel momento dell'uscita his debut album

Telekinesis, he was without a band and a van destroyed. The distance relationship that inspired the songs from her debut album was finished and he found himself in Berlin, where he launched into a room of a warehouse he found himself writing songs 9 to 5 every day.

Michael in a fit of inspiration for

bought a guitar and a bass and wrote four more songs for the album.
His second attempt at recording
led him to Portland to Jackpot! Studios. Michael
and Chris Walla have resumed their partnership. They dropped all the rules, as they usually do when they gather and, as he says

Michael Desperate Straight Lines

", twelve new songs of anguish, anger, and even a little 'hope. The
have resurfaced with a new band with Jason

(Robert Pollard

band, Bob Mould

band) on bass and

Cody Votolato


Brothers) on guitar. Now the van is new, and Michael
Benjamin Lerner
MarKo 8 / 10

Music "> Playlist">

Music Playlist at

. Com

Do I Need In Wall Rated Hdmi Cable


infinite array of emotions, Radiohead for me to represent this.

been four years since "In Rainbows," it seems like yesterday and today we are here to comment on the new tracks the band's British Eighth fatigue.
listening to the first track, it seems like you're back in my grandmother's house and discovering the same old flavors.

i know radiohead house of intimate emotions, I write about casting and I get excited.

are the third track, there is no time for anything else, I immerse myself in listening.

enjoy. g.


Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Where To Get An Ontario Fake Ids

ღ Ambulance for our beloved animals ღ ღ

oggi ho letto sul Corriere della sera un articolo davvero molto interessante per i nostri amici a 4 zampe.
Il 118 per i pet,   Isotta è l'«ammiraglia»

Pronto intervention for animals: ENPA launches petition to extend throughout Italy.

find the entire article here Corriere della Sera

name is Isolde, like a cat rescued after the earthquake in Italy.

E 'equipped and would soon start a tour in Italy to raise awareness on the need to prepare for our furry companions are first aid and appropriate means if necessary (which may be events " normal "or real disaster).

I find it particularly important to the implementation of the emergency room: we are different from well equipped clinics open 24 hours on 24, but I know that in several Italian regions is as if the study of the veterinarian is open from morning to night , during office hours ...

Go read. I think it's an interesting topic for us who love our pets, we have them as members of the family into our homes and all animals that may be in trouble even on the streets as strays or other .... I can not wait .. that is active throughout the Italian territory ... it would be a wonderful thing ....

this is the mascot Westy

Monday, February 21, 2011

Jello Pudding Cookie Recipes

Gnocchi with Fontina Ravioli al Forno in Cocotte

Good morning to all and good week!
How are you? I would say very well today .. are definitely in a good mood ^ _ ^ I am here today
a proporvi una ricettina che ha entusiasmato me e il mio assaggiatore ufficiale, anzi peccato non aver esagerato con le dosi perchè ci siamo litigati anche l’ultimo gnocco.. diciamo che possiamo considerare questa una variante degli gnocchi alla bava che io adoro.. con quel qualcosa in più che gli regala la passatina in forno..
Un piatto gustoso, ma per niente light..

Gnocchi alla fontina 016

INGREDIENTI x 2 persone:

500g di gnocchi
80g di fontina valdostana
grana grattugiato q.b.
burro q.b.
1 cucchiaio di olio
sale, pepe


Tagliate la fontina a fettine sottili. Imburrate ben bene una pirofila o una cocottina.
Intanto lessate gli gnocchi in acqua salata con un filo d’olio per evitare che si attacchino fra loro e accendete il forno a 200°.
Scolate gli gnocchi man mano che vengono a galla e poneteli in una terrina, conditeli con burro e pepe e versateli in pirofila pochi per volta, alternandoli alle fettine di formaggio.
Cospargete infine con qualche fiocchetto di burro e una spolverata di grana e passate in forno una quindicina di minuti o fino a che si formerà una bella crosticina.
Servite subito,

Gnocchi alla fontina 017

Con questa ricetta partecipo al contest di Imma


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Lansinoh Lanolin Eczema Babies

INDIE ITALIA: PAOLO BENVEGNU' - HERMANN (2011 LA PIOGGIA DISCHI) Chitarrista / cantante David Martin ha Detto del disco: "Abbiamo cambiato il nostro suono. Abbiamo fatto meno affidamento sui tappeti di riverbero e di delay. Liricamente ho guardato al Futuro nella ispirazione del disco, invece della storia e guardare al passato .
pe rfortuna che esistono travel by car, qesto day I happened to travel a lot and went to the rediscovery of many little gems, hidden, 2010. One is this Marko
8 / 10

DL: hxxp: / /

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How To Treat Herpes On Stomach

Today 17 weeks of gestation

Today I went to the 17 th week of gestation, in a week will come in at 5 months and we will do another ultrasound control and can not wait ... these twins grows, the belly is a watermelon, we are very happy , Kira dolcissima e coccolona più di prima....Mi resta accanto quando sono in bagno, quando mi lavo e direi in ogni momento della giornata che siamo insieme 

  vivo tutto con estrema serenità , faccio lunghe camminate a piedi , vado in ufficio sempre a piedi , riesco a condurre una vita normale, adesso sto bene e non si pensa che al corredino, a cosa serve, a cosa comprare, insomma cè un po' di caos in testa e tanta confusione...Ma quando nasceranno ci sarà ancora più caos e confusione non importa perché questa confusione è solo pura gioia e amore , ripagati dopo tanta suffering .....
every day I thank heaven for this precious gift, for these two little creatures that live inside of me, who depend on me and my husband in the near future .....

I embrace you and thank you for your kindness and your unconditional love

Blueprint- Hair Salon

Hello! There are still
eh? I was completely absent from the blog for a couple of days ... but I am here today to present a new recipe to me, in that the ravioli bake I had never eaten! Actually, I think that the discovery of hot water, but here we have particularly appreciated.
The recipe I saw on Sale & Pepe of this month, the doses I have not met because the newspaper was for 6 people and I have arranged a little 'eye for both of us .. so forgive me if I am not clear .. is not it?

Ravioli al forno 006


Mixed Ravioli (ricotta and spinach, four cheeses)

Bechamel sauce to taste Grated Parmesan to taste


Prepare the sauce, add the grated Parmesan cheese and keep warm. Boil the ravioli until al dente keeping and arrange in a baking dish * as you would for lasagna, alternating a layer of sauce and a pasta.
bake at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes or until a golden crust will be formed.
Remove from the oven and serve ... .. difficult is not it??

* Pedrini

Monday, February 14, 2011

Every Combination Caluculator

to Olive Gnocchi Sardi

Hello and Happy Monday to everyone!!
Cosa?? Vi aspettavate forse qualche ricettina cuoriciosa?? Ehm.. in effetti oggi su praticamente tutti i blog che ho visitato ho trovato un tripudio di cuoricini..
Io invece non mi discosto dalla normalità, e pubblico un bel piattino di pasta come se niente fosse.. embè?
Non è forse che tutti si dice che S.Valentino è una festa superata, consumistica, che l’amore andrebbe festeggiato ogni giorno e non a comando? Eppure… i negozi come sempre hanno incassato l’impossibile, noi tutti ci siamo impegnati a preparare una cenetta speciale.. magari abbiamo comprato anche qualche cioccolatino, forse qualcuno questa sera riceverà una rosa rossa… insomma, alla fine si cede.. ci si coccola un po’ Moreover, we exchange a few promising new wave of emotion ... and then so be it! Folks, never neglect the person who is next .. and today, even if "controlled" concediamoci a hug more, kiss more, breathe in deeply the hearts jumping out from all ...
How would it be? Where's mine??
Um .... my heart for the moment is still in the oven ... I improvised a Dolcino on two feet .. up to half an hour ago I did not even for the mind but then .. I was infected! For now, settle for what is!
recipe for "cooked and eaten" with some modifications.

Gnocchetti Sardi 004
x 2 persons INGREDIENTS: 180g

Sardinian gnocchi 100g
Gaeta olives 50g capers 1 clove garlic

250g of cherry tomatoes (I used 230g of chopped tomatoes) 1

mozzarella extra virgin olive oil to taste salt and pepper to taste


First I tell you that I went to eye with olives and capers, I did not follow the precise doses, regulator and then as you see fit.
Stone the olives and capers together to shake it with a tablespoon of oil.
Saute the garlic in a pan with 2 tablespoons oil, add chopped tomatoes, a half (Or the tomato sauce) and cook a few minutes, then add the puree of olives. Turn off the heat and keep warm.
Bake the pasta, drain and toss in the sauce and freshly brewed off the heat and add the diced mozzarella being careful not to dissolve but only soften.
Serve with a drizzle of raw oil and a grinding of pepper.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Huntik Season 2 When Starts

Cup Malù .. Homemade! New collaborations

I know .. even chocolate!
What can I do if I am more cioccogoloso period of my life?? I've never eaten so much as in recent weeks .. but I need ... is for my mental and physical health .. ^ _ ^
The recipe is of Sara, and is simply a case that I've posted two of his creations at a distance a couple of days, I had copied this last year but then it was over on the back burner .. I went back in my hands right now and I could not not prepare you like?
I have sweet memories of this cup ... as a child I accompanied my grandmother to shop in the shop near his house and sometimes I buy it .. but I had to act really super good! It was very good, I still remember the original flavor .. Perhaps it was then called "white couple" even, but it's been a while 'time I'm not sure. The fact is that the Malù Cup which is now not the same flavor of that time, I'm sure! ... But this one has something that reminds me strongly! Of course I recommend it ... it is spectacular!

Coppa Malù 004

Nesquik :

500ml milk 50g cornflour 150g Nesquik

70g sugar 50g dark chocolate

To decorate: 250ml whipping cream

1 tablespoon sugar 1 tablespoon cornstarch


Cut the chocolate chips and put it to melt in a saucepan with the milk.
In a separate bowl mix the Nesquik, cornstarch and sugar.
Then add the powder to milk chocolate and set on fire (bass) and stir with a whisk until the cream thickens. Put it into cups and then when you pass them in the fridge to cool.
Whip the cream with the cornstarch and powdered sugar, place it in a pastry bag and decorate your cup will be ready to eat immediately, or put it back in the refrigerator until serving.
Mmmmm delicious and really like the original, thanks Saretta!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How To Get Rid Of Balloon Payment Loans

ღ ღ Sunshine Award 2011 award

I wanted to thank first of all from his site Robbyroby My World , unexpected for this award ... I'm not so much that I had forgotten all this sweet love and warmth that these emotions and you know how to give bloggers .....

rules to follow are these:
-thank the man who gave us this award

-write a post about the prize

-pass to 12 bloggers who feel deserving

-put the links of those blogs

-notify winners (pass today or tomorrow, I promise!)

here is my list of 12 blogs, (even if it's really hard to choose):

Thank you for everything I send you a hug

Bloons Pack Three Ipod Cheats


As usual reference .. reference .. reference ..
In recent days I have received as many as 3 wonderful packages! I'd say it's their moment ...

Storico marchio italiano nella realizzazione di articoli in melamina, Mebel produce dal 1957 oggetti di design concepiti per l’arte della tavola. Vassoi, piatti e ciotole caratterizzano la produzione di questo brand, che si distingue per la costante attività di ricerca in tema di melamina.


Un’azienda con una gamma ricca e completa di utensili per la cucina.
L’assortimento è articolato in ben 9 linee di prodotti adatti a coprire tutti i livelli di mercato.
Design moderno, ergonomia dei manici, materiali di qualità sono gli elementi caratteristici di questa collezione, tutta coperta da garanzia a vita.
We highly recommend a ride on their site .. will not regret it!


Guardini SpA was founded in Turin in 1947, is a workshop and produce household items. Since then the company renews its tradition of craftsmanship by creating innovative products and exporting them all over the world.
Guardini is imagination, creativity, technology, innovation and above all quality.

Guardini ecc 005

Monday, February 7, 2011

Getting An Ipod To Work In A Fiesta


Do you like the bounty?
to me, and even so .. I must say that in these last two weeks I ate much less than my usual, I'm not quite back yet a "regime" .. but one thing I miss are made: chocolate!
I ate a bowl of ice cream in record time, one behind the other tablets, Nutella .... and bounty, except that I had just a few of these at home and then I thought to autoprodurmeli! I confess that I
impastrocchiata all with melted chocolate .. I have not done a good job ^ _ ^ but I lick my fingers .... and also the bowl, not even a gram is wasted ..
The recipe is super easy to Sara .

Bounty (9)

200g desiccated coconut 100g cream

80g sugar 100g dark chocolate to cover (variable amount, I used them more)
PREPARATION: Mix in a bowl
coconut, sugar and cream. Take
with moistened fingers of the small amount of dough and form a cylinder that poserete teglietta covered with parchment paper and bake in the fridge for half an hour.
Melt the chocolate and then glazed the bounty. Again place them on baking paper and let rest in refrigerator.
I like to eat fresh .. in each season.
What can I say, fine ... if you're smarter than me you could also temper the chocolate to make them shiny beautiful ... I had hurry to eat and I have not ventured! ^ _ ^
great week everyone!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Brazilian Was Fort Smith Arkansas

It's up to me ....

I received an award by 5 bloggers .. ( Paola , Crysania , Lucia, Stefania , golosina )
Girls thank you so much for thinking of me, forgive me if I am late! I'm still the same, and in this period, I neglected a little kitchen, so even my blogghino!


The rules:
I thank those who donated the prize: Done! Telling
7 if things .. (I do it now )

- It is not easy .. see .. I'm 29 years old, converted from 2 years now with my boyfriend as you know that likes to mess around in the kitchen with me (but then who I have always reorder!)
- I'm lazy: idleness personified .. if I can postpone indefinitely the one thing I do, I always find some excuse to justify but deep down I do not care about .. (Obviously we are talking about unimportant things!)
- I'm also shy and terribly insecure in almost 30 years I have not yet learned to appreciate me enough!
- I love red! Send me positive energy, and in fact is the predominant color in my kitchen
^ _ ^ - Sometimes I cry for nothing .. or rather, some emotions mi colpiscono come uno schiaffo, e immediatamente mi si riempiono gli occhi di lacrime.. capita davanti ad una pubblicità, oppure guardando la neve che cade.. insomma è imprevedibile!! Anche se davanti ad un delfino è matematico: non chiedetemi il perchè!
- Da bambina sognavo di entrare in un circo!! Ahahah giuro!! Infatti ero sempre arrampicata sugli alberi, mi piaceva fare le acrobazie e speravo che passasse qualcuno, mi vedesse e mi portasse via! ^_^
- Amo i gatti… è una passione che ho sempre avuto, fin da piccola.. forse in una vita precedente lo sono stata.. ^_^  raccattavo gattini in continuazione e li portavo a casa, mio padre non li voleva infatti regolarmente “scappavano” I took it for me but I won and took home more! Then when I went to live on my own I just got one .. lived in symbiosis, we were really in love .. I miss him even now .. I wish I could take one to take with me, but the thing is a little 'complicated at the moment .. "Someone" is not quite agree .. we'll see who will win the day!

Now I would only be awarded 10 other blogs that I like and I recently discovered .. but I'm in trouble here, I arrived late and nearly winning the blog that I have received .. then turn to you all ... feel free to take it if you like ...
I know not what you want to respect the rules ... do? They also rebel!