I do not think there is much to add .... In this video I think there is a representation of what can and what can donate be effective for those who are sick receive affection not only by close relatives, but also by a creature so sweet as a 4-legged friends .....
Whether it's a rabbit, a dog, a cat or a bird, her presence awakens the interest of those close to him: children and the elderly, but also sick and disabled with mental health problems can improve the quality and physical of their lives and their health with the assistance of animal friends.
in children with particular problems in the elderly, sick and in some categories of people with physical and psychic contact with a pet can help meet certain needs (affection, safety, interpersonal relationships) and take some skills that these people may have lost.
can act as a cushion under the particular conditions of stress and conflict and can be a valuable aid for patients with problems of social behavior and communication, especially if children or elderly, but also for those suffering from some form of disability and mental retardation and psychiatric patients.
hypertension and heart disease can benefit from the proximity an animal was, in fact, shown that petting an animal, in addition to increasing awareness of their corporeality, which is essential in the development of personality, is also involved in reducing blood pressure and helps regulate the heart rate.
Whether it's a rabbit, a dog, cat or other animal chosen by program managers of pet thrapy, its presence usually arouses the interest of those who come into contact, catalyzes its attention, thanks to the establishment of emotional relationships and privileged communication channels with the patient, or detaching it stimulates positive energy making it more acceptable to the discomfort which is bearer.
Children in hospital, for example, often suffer from depression, eating disorders, sleep, appetite and dell'enuresi due to feelings of anxiety, fear , boredom and pain determined by their health, by being forced to shelter, away from their families, their home, their habits.
Some recent experiences in Italy in children hospitalized in pediatric wards in which there was a program Animal Assisted Activities show that the joy and curiosity expressed by young patients during encounters with the animal help alleviate feelings of discomfort due to hospitalization, as to make clear their approach with the therapies and medical staff. The leisure and recreational activities organized together with the stimulus of the animals, feed them, take them in the arm stroking aim to reunite the children, make them relax and socialize with each other in order to seek to maintain contacts during the period shorter or longer hospital stay, improve, that their quality of life in that particular contingency.
Other experiences about Animal Assisted Activities elderly guest houses rest. It was noted that in periods of cohabitation with animals is matched by a general increase in mood, greater responsiveness and friendliness, easier contacts with therapists. An improvement in the general well-being for those who often, because of loneliness and lack of affection, it closes itself and refuses relationships.
In the field of Animal Assisted Therapy , where evidence of a genuine improvement in the health of some patients are accumulating in the scientific literature, the pet - co-treatment therapy offers sweet affiancare alle terapie mediche tradizionali e, attraverso un preciso protocollo terapeutico, è diretta a pazienti colpiti da disturbi dell’apprendimento, dell’attenzione, disturbi psicomotori, nevrosi ansiose e depressive, sindrome di Down, sindrome di West, autismo, demenze senili di vario genere e grado, patologie psicotiche, ma anche a quanti necessitano di riabilitazione motoria come chi è affetto da sclerosi multipla o reduce da lunghi periodi di coma. L’intervento degli animali, scelti tra quelli con requisiti adatti a sostenere un compito così importante, è mirato to stimulate the attention, make eye contact and touch, both in terms of interaction and emotional communication, to promote relaxation and to control anxiety and excitement, performing the manual for those who have limited capacity for movement, promote the mobilization of the upper limbs, such as stroking the animal, or those with walking through the lower run of the animal whose presence makes the rehabilitation exercises less boring and more exciting.
I working operating in questo settore della pet-therapy finalizzato al raggiungimento di obiettivi di salute per l’uomo, sono composti, oltre che dall’animale co-terapeuta alla cui sensibilità è affidato il compito principale, da diverse figure professionali: medici, psicologi, fisioterapisti ecc.., cui spetta di valutare e determinare come l’animale debba essere impiegato.
A veterinari, etologi, addestratori e conduttori professionisti spetta, invece, occuparsi del controllo della salute e della salvaguardia del benessere dell’animale che con tanta generosità e amore lavora per aiutare il suo amico uomo, di cui sa riconoscere le difficoltà.
A veterinari, etologi, addestratori e conduttori professionisti spetta, invece, occuparsi del controllo della salute e della salvaguardia del benessere dell’animale che con tanta generosità e amore lavora per aiutare il suo amico uomo, di cui sa riconoscere le difficoltà.
(source: WHO Collaborating Centre / FAO Veterinary Public Health, Laboratory of Pathophysiology of organ and system of the ISS, Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale of Abruzzo and Molise; Ministry of Health - Directorate General of Health Public veterinary, food and nutrition - Office X)
(Elizabeth spiders - drafting Ministerosalute.it - \u200b\u200bgennaio/2003)
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