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Genoa kennel isolated by landslides, dogs and cats are likely to die of hunger! ღ ღ
quoted in full as written by Lucia on his blog lufantasygioie I hope you can even run your blog in this very appeal important ....
This article is Oct. 12, then a few days ago, you can find here, where I found it.
Why the public? For most people do turn this article ...
We can not do much, now it's up to the political move to Genoa, to try to intervene as soon as possible, so not too late.
I understand that front natural events such as the one that struck Genoa and Liguria, the priorities are many, but I do not think it's fair to starve the animals only because not vote and can not express!
I ask you to run this article, which once again demonstrates the arrogance el ' indifference of mankind, the political class in the head!
Thanks for your help
There are many stories to tell in this wave of pain and fear that swept the west of Genoa. One hundred and forty are on Mount Gazzo, the Countess of Monte municipal dog pound, on the heights of the district of Sestri Ponente, which is isolated by four landslides, caused by torrential rain, and unreachable if you do not walk, and after much difficulty, climbing over roots and branches and mounds of earth on a path of good fortune and dangerous terrain. One hundred and forty are cats and dogs (90 dogs and 50 cats) that live there, in addition to the janitor who has his home there, looked after by volunteers from ' Association dog friends Onlus , manager of the refuge, which are now coming to terms with the fear of being left without supplies of food (as well as with any medical emergencies) to feed the animals that the City has transferred there after the construction of the kennel, which is disputed by those at the origin - evidentemente with reason - the considered too out of hand, and difficult reached . Recovery times the road seems long because in some places is completely removed or covered with mud, trees and debris. It 's true that the Civil Protection, in the days before, has done an inspection, however, being engaged on multiple fronts, should be better supported by the institutions.
Hence the appeal of the President 's Associazione Amici del Cane, Katia Messina. “Chiediamo con urgenza un aiuto concreto alle istituzioni preposte, la situazione sta diventando drammatica con il passare delle ore e solo con le nostre forze non possiamo farcela, occorrono delle ruspe per liberare la strada ma soprattutto interventi per metterla in sicurezza, il rischio di altre frane è concreto”. “ Il canile – ha aggiunto Katia Messina – si è salvato grazie alle protezioni in metallo che avevamo posto sopra i box dove sono ospitati i cani. Non hanno invece retto le tubature the sewer for which were in place measures to adapt the work and the cost of restoring everything will be huge, I do not know how to do it. We are also concerned about the possible public health emergencies and the conditions under which the custodian is also the food supplies will last for a few days. "Unfortunately, the oligarchy that governs Genoa is forgetting the shelter. In fact, since the Green Party is no longer present to local and regional political scene has forgotten the oligarchy of the kennel and the result is that these poor animals are left to their fate the way, I should mention that in the previous cycle administrative regional logistical position of the kennel had been under strong criticism because of the difficulty of achieving ; the same premises as the kennels.
Volunteers in fact are more often forced to use its own resources to reach the area quite inaccessible, so that the number of people who gravitate around the kennels to help out has decreased. And you should also remember that in past years the area above the road had been hit by arson attacks which destroyed the vegetation of tall trees, which as we know it helps with the roots to hold the land, which has facilitated the disruption hydrogeological the area. Therefore, I believe we must put in place interventions that can ensure the safety of the 140 animals including dogs and cats due to bad weather have been isolated. It 's a matter of sensitivity. What the policy should prove to have. While alas, it has not even a crumb.
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