ღ ღ ღ Pet Stories I was really down these days that I did not want to write, but I was surfing the web came across this story written by a middle school girl and her story touched me so much that I want to share with voi.
Lo ha scritto come tema a scuola ....ve lo riporto qui' perché penso sia una storia speciale...un amore speciale.
Ecco vi presento.........Kimbo!!!
Kimbo è più di un cane, è il mio migliore amico, anzi quasi mio fratello.
Kimbo è un cagnolino di media taglia, color caffè, da cui il suo nome.
E' un meticcio incrociato con un levriero.
Ha degli occhi color marrone scuro, che quando mi fissano mi danno un senso di tristezza.
Kimbo è ormai già adulto, credo abbia due o tre anni, ma siamo amici da circa uno.
Ever since I was little, constantly tormenting the father because we adopt a dog, keep me company, and last year, he sold.
I was a big surprise ...... I will not forget it was Christmas Eve, the most magical moment of the year when the tree is decorated, and there's the atmosphere that makes you feel at home yours.
I was going with his grandparents in the house of the Father, for the traditional family dinner, I was excited, because the Father always have fun, whether or not the party. I did not expect
nieto great, but rather the surprise waiting for me right in my room.
When I arrived everyone was in turmoil, I could not understand why, all I persuaded to go to my room.
Strangely, the door was locked, opened a 'bit confused ......... ...... I saw them and a brown short-haired dog, stared at him for a time that seemed interminable, and then I cried as I could, I could not contain himself, jumping, running, I did not stop the most joy.
the dog to see me so upset, who knows what he may have thought.
Then when I calmed down I asked the name of the beast, but they told me, instead of flying that we read a letter that was in the doghouse, which was to me.
He had written in the name of the Father Kimbo, where there was written the name, origin, etc. ....
I read it with enthusiasm. I could not believe that it was my dog!
Now, as I described the episode, it's as if he would relive it, step by step, emotion for emotion, and a flash-back special.
Kimbo has adapted quickly to 'environment, but not so soon to our cats: Cyrus, Biro Mora and Tino.
I was surprised at how much has been attached to us, and as a demonstration of this.
When I get home from school he hears the sound of the engine of the car and came towards me, barking and wagging his tail. This
what makes for healthy Dad, grandparents and girlfriend Laura's Dad.
E 'so attached to me, that even if there are no sleeping on my bed, next to me, so I can not move, and so am I sore back.
If we're on the couch, jumps on him at times, but could not because he wants to be close to us forever. When Dad comes from work
Kimbo jumps like crazy, and follows him like a stamp follows the envelope, must take a shower when he left to establish his movements.
Laura had the opportunity to teach him to sit when asked, then before leaving for his morning walk we tell him to sit before putting the leash, but now it does not you tell him! It 'a phenomenon!
I think it has changed my life at home with us, to him.
I learned to take care of a living being that needs care, Dad and Laura not to worry scratched the floor.
Counque I think Kimbo has learned more.
When they took him, he was afraid of people, because the previous owners beat him and beat, and liquids now afraid of the broom, and if you show it to him tremble from head to tail, and with this' last remains hidden between the legs for a while '.
Kimbo has also learned to bark at strangers, and then at night there is from theft.
More than once, the day saw a Moroccan, and barked to send him away, so he used his grandmother as an excuse to leave the unknown man.
Kimbo is part of the family, it's my dog!
's like a little person, not substitute with any other animal. It takes many
bene.Tra us there is a bond almost magical!
But that's the beauty of having a dog.
Theme written by Amanda Abetina
Class III school Paschini Aquileia
Kimbo is a dog kennel adducts Porpetto