It is
you read that right! Pineapple and pistachios .. a cake you'll love at first bite!
I happened to glance by chance while leafing through old magazines looking for anything .. happen to you to try something and find a thousand others? I very often .. I find recipes that kidnap me but for one reason or another, and so now I can not make me then forget or do not find more .. the only solution I've found is to copy me these recipes on a special quadernino .. my recipe always at hand! This comes from there, which was originally published on Salt & Pepper April 2003, I made a few slight changes ^ _ ^
INGREDIENTS: 250g of flour
manitoba flour 50g + 00 (flour or all 0)
1 can of canned pineapple (mine was in pineapple juice)
10g yeast
fresh beer 1 teaspoon salt
a handful of roasted and salted pistachios
and then dissolve the yeast in a cup with a little water and let stand.
Take the classic fountain with the flour (I always start to work in a bowl) pour the dissolved yeast in the center and begin to mix with a fork, gradually adding the pineapple juice. I recommend you add it lentamente per non ritrovarvi con una massa molliccia ingestibile! Tenete da parte 1/2 bicchiere di succo.
Trasferitevi sulla spianatoia e lavorate per 10 minuti con una certa energia e aggiungete il sale che avrete sciolto in poca acqua.Una volta che otterrete un impasto liscio e omogeneo ponetelo nuovamente in ciotola, incidete la croce e mettete a lievitare coperto con un canovaccio per circa 1 ora (io metto sempre nel forno con la sola luce accesa).
Riprendete la pasta e rilavoratela brevemente sulla spianatoia per sgonfiarla, incorporate i pistacchi che avrete tritato piĆ¹ o meno grossolanamente e rimettete a lievitare fino al raddoppio.
A questo punto stendetela con le mani in una teglia appena unta con olio di semi, posizionate l’ananas cut into pieces making them sink a little.
Preheat the oven to 190 degrees.
Pour a little juice and if you still want the chopped pistachios on the surface and keep covered until the oven reaches temperature.
Bake for 20-25 minutes, basting again with the remaining juice to halfway through cooking.
And this is the version of finger food with which I participate in the contest Italian atmosphere in their Facebook page , if you like please vote ^ _ ^
also participates in the contest of Catherine
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