Hello! E 'on Monday and I realized I had left to spend a whole week without posting anything ..
Ahi ahi ahi .. you do not know .. I'm going through a period a bit 'lazy maybe, or maybe I'm spending too much time looking at the PC that the recipes of other then when you get down to work I'm already tired! Joke, however I am here today with a cake dedicated to all women .. the classic Mimosa, whom I have wanted to interpret it my way .. otherwise what would taste?? I was enticed by the initiative of Guardini and since I had not tried their new mold Fettexfette .. I jumped at l’occasione….
Per il Pan di Spagna (ricetta Montersino):
250g di uova intere
175g di zucchero semolato
150g di farina 00 (io ho usato quella Molino Chiavazza )
50g di fecola di patate
la scorza grattugiata di un’arancia (in origine 1 bacca di vaniglia)
Montare le uova intere con lo zucchero fino ad ottenere un composto spumoso che “scrive”. Aggiungere quindi poco a poco le polveri setacciate e la scorza mescolando delicatamente dal basso verso l’alto con una spatola. Versare il tutto nello stampo imburrato e infarinato ( nel If I had used the silicone was not necessary) and bake at 180 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes, do the toothpick test. Leave in oven for 5 minutes with the door ajar, the oven and let cool on a wire rack.
For the orange cream:
375ml milk 110g sugar 3 egg yolks
flour 2 tablespoons orange zest or flavor
Bring almost to boil the milk with the orange peel taken with a vegetable peeler (or smell) and then filtered.
Cream the egg yolks with sugar and when the mixture is quite smooth mix the flour. Pour in hot milk, stirring with a beat until well blended and there will be lumps. Turn on low heat and let thicken, stirring constantly. Transfer the cream into a bowl, cover with foil to contact to cool completely.
I'll explain how I did with my slices, but in case you a cake "normal" procedure will be the same!
(unfortunately I forgot to take pictures!)
I cut the top of the slices, obtaining a sort of cap and I dug into the interior by the crumbs. I then wet the sponge cake with orange juice mixed with simple maraschino, filled slices with the cream and replace the cover. Finally, I served each slice with whipped cream and sprinkled with crumbs obtained before. And here
portion made my cake!
With this recipe I participate in the contest Cynthia