Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cinquain Poem About Aphrodite

Amico (Pronto Raffaella 1984-85) - Raffaella Carrà

Today by chance I heard this song on the radio in 1984, sung by Raffaella Carra and dedicated to our 4-legged friends ... I hit a lot and I wanted to share it with you

We also added to the text is very nice

Who is waiting for you glad to return
Who follows you home every day happy
who walks by your side
who has never run Who wants to play just tired

Who is listening but not talking
Who loves you and gives you the security
Who does not require that a caress
Silently I do not wish Instinctively he

Friend who defends you
That best friend is not
Sudden games with you
got small only if that friend with you

That best friend is not
You gifts loyalty
Very often those who do not know what is goodness
You who speak a language of looks
You wait for me if I come back later
You are happy if I stay at home
You're sad when you see that I cry silently not
pretend nothing I love that you
That best friend is not
You Gift loyalty
Very often those who do not know what is la bontà
Amico che
Che più grande amico non c'è
Tu regali la fedeltà
Molto spesso a chi non sa cosa è la bontà
Amico che
Che più grande amico non c'è
Che più grande amico non c'è

Community Service Letter For Church

KREIDLER - TANK (Bureau B 2011)

un'altra band tedesca, che ha a che fare con l'etichetta "Italic", etichetta dei Von Spar; fanno krautrock, inutile dirlo. a me sono piaciuti molto.

What Kind Of Scanner Do I Need To Make A Comic

Cake with Pineapple and Pistachio Cake

It is

you read that right! Pineapple and pistachios .. a cake you'll love at first bite!
I happened to glance by chance while leafing through old magazines looking for anything .. happen to you to try something and find a thousand others? I very often .. I find recipes that kidnap me but for one reason or another, and so now I can not make me then forget or do not find more .. the only solution I've found is to copy me these recipes on a special quadernino .. my recipe always at hand! This comes from there, which was originally published on Salt & Pepper April 2003, I made a few slight changes ^ _ ^

Focaccia all'ananas 023

INGREDIENTS: 250g of flour

manitoba flour 50g + 00 (flour or all 0)
1 can of canned pineapple (mine was in pineapple juice)
10g yeast
fresh beer 1 teaspoon salt
a handful of roasted and salted pistachios


and then dissolve the yeast in a cup with a little water and let stand.
Take the classic fountain with the flour (I always start to work in a bowl) pour the dissolved yeast in the center and begin to mix with a fork, gradually adding the pineapple juice. I recommend you add it lentamente per non ritrovarvi con una massa molliccia ingestibile! Tenete da parte 1/2 bicchiere di succo.
Trasferitevi sulla spianatoia e lavorate per 10 minuti con una certa energia e aggiungete il sale che avrete sciolto in poca acqua.Una volta che otterrete un impasto liscio e omogeneo ponetelo nuovamente in ciotola, incidete la croce e mettete a lievitare coperto con un canovaccio per circa 1 ora (io metto sempre nel forno con la sola luce accesa).
Riprendete la pasta e rilavoratela brevemente sulla spianatoia per sgonfiarla, incorporate i pistacchi che avrete tritato più o meno grossolanamente e rimettete a lievitare fino al raddoppio.
A questo punto stendetela con le mani in una teglia appena unta con olio di semi, posizionate l’ananas cut into pieces making them sink a little.
Preheat the oven to 190 degrees.
Pour a little juice and if you still want the chopped pistachios on the surface and keep covered until the oven reaches temperature.
Bake for 20-25 minutes, basting again with the remaining juice to halfway through cooking.

And this is the version of finger food with which I participate in the contest Italian atmosphere in their Facebook page , if you like please vote ^ _ ^

Focaccia Finger

also participates in the contest of Catherine


Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Symptomatology: Sore Throat, Hard To Swallow

Marco Carta - No more than me (video clip)

Funny Gay Wedding Invitations Wording

Colin Stetson - New History Warfare VOL.2 (2011 CONSTELLATION)

Colin Stetson è un sassofonista statunitense (Arcade Fire, Tom Waits, Lou Reed e molti altri) che si sperimenta con il secondo album da solista. Utilizzando il fiato, percussioni e voce che conficca e tiene in circolo dentro tool, can create unique sonic delirium.
In this second volume: special guest Laurie Anderson and Shara Worden.

DL: hxxp: / /

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Real Housewives Gretchen Black And White Bikini


Duo French / Finnish indie-pop The Dø have managed to make inroads into all of our hardened hearts. First with their full-length debut, a mouthful of taste as sweet as mine, and once again, with the brand new album, both jaws were wide open to devour their sound. They said he likes to consider themselves to be "a bunch of motherfuckers hard enough" - but the group is highly innovative and über sexy / sweet / sound eclectic. It is not clear whether the idea has never doze or gasarsi and I like it very much.
9 / 10

There is a video of this album, but serves to give you an idea, maybe there innamorerete come è capitato a me.

At Last !


DL: hxxp: / / /

Pokemon Ruby Gameshark Invite Money


Carnival and crazy old mattress

hath been sold to buy bread and wine
tarallucci and sausage. And with laughter

eating a mountain of pancakes
's belly has grown a great
that resembles a ball.
He drinks and drinks and suddenly
's face turns red, then bursts
belly while still eat, eat ... So dies
and make the funeral, was born

dust and dust is returned.

(Author: Gabriele D'Annunzio)

Brent Corrigan With Brent Everett And Friend

ELBOW - BUILD A ROCKET BOYS! (Polydor / Geffen 2011)

 / the.shoesmusic

debut album of a legendary French duo, which I waited anxiously. Awesome MarKo 9 / 10

THE SHOES Feat Primary 1 / People Movin

Storm to a Dragonfly. The album was produced by James Florence, a mold that seems to have given to this work of songwriters such as typical or Moltheni System Of A Down, threatening to overshadow the true personality of the CP which is markedly "re-heard." Their rock

copyright do not mind, is very nice both lyrically and instrumentally recorded to give a live Mechanical Workshops at Milan.

not find anything original perhaps, but it's worth.



The illusion of control by


Monday, March 7, 2011

Smithfields Sandwich Calories


After the EP "Eternal" came out last year that I was not disappointed at all, our back Marco Ricci recently featured in its draft Myrtle House, launching the new album "1979" for Mashhh! Records. Same nostalgic sound disk 80. Maybe a little bit down compared to the previous tone. us listen to streaming.

Casa del Mirto - 1979 - 2011 by lucy van pelt

Find A Map Of Northeast

Hello! E 'on Monday and I realized I had left to spend a whole week without posting anything ..
Ahi ahi ahi .. you do not know .. I'm going through a period a bit 'lazy maybe, or maybe I'm spending too much time looking at the PC that the recipes of other then when you get down to work I'm already tired! Joke, however I am here today with a cake dedicated to all women .. the classic Mimosa, whom I have wanted to interpret it my way .. otherwise what would taste?? I was enticed by the initiative of Guardini and since I had not tried their new mold Fettexfette .. I jumped at l’occasione….

Fetta Mimosa 014  

Per il Pan di Spagna (ricetta Montersino):

250g di uova intere
175g di zucchero semolato
150g di farina 00 (io ho usato quella Molino Chiavazza )
50g di fecola di patate
la scorza grattugiata di un’arancia (in origine 1 bacca di vaniglia)

Montare le uova intere con lo zucchero fino ad ottenere un composto spumoso che “scrive”. Aggiungere quindi poco a poco le polveri setacciate e la scorza mescolando delicatamente dal basso verso l’alto con una spatola. Versare il tutto nello stampo imburrato e infarinato ( nel If I had used the silicone was not necessary) and bake at 180 degrees for 20 to 25 minutes, do the toothpick test. Leave in oven for 5 minutes with the door ajar, the oven and let cool on a wire rack.

For the orange cream:

375ml milk 110g sugar 3 egg yolks

flour 2 tablespoons orange zest or flavor

Bring almost to boil the milk with the orange peel taken with a vegetable peeler (or smell) and then filtered.
Cream the egg yolks with sugar and when the mixture is quite smooth mix the flour. Pour in hot milk, stirring with a beat until well blended and there will be lumps. Turn on low heat and let thicken, stirring constantly. Transfer the cream into a bowl, cover with foil to contact to cool completely.


I'll explain how I did with my slices, but in case you a cake "normal" procedure will be the same!
(unfortunately I forgot to take pictures!)
I cut the top of the slices, obtaining a sort of cap and I dug into the interior by the crumbs. I then wet the sponge cake with orange juice mixed with simple maraschino, filled slices with the cream and replace the cover. Finally, I served each slice with whipped cream and sprinkled with crumbs obtained before. And here
portion made my cake!

Torta Mimosa (10)


With this recipe I participate in the contest Cynthia

contest di Cinzia

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Does The Costco In Chandler Sell Beyblades

Last Night On Earth. This is the story last night on earth. Ten tracks for a recount, and many many recent nights. Ten Tracks to look through the glass, beyond all reflection in the dark of night and the life that burns inside. It could be their last night on earth. "Our third album is like our adventurous journey through the synagogue Bethnal Green River Thames across the Atlantic, the United States and all types of highways in Los Angeles with their bright neon, "says Mr. Charlie Fink. But it is unmistakably Noah and the Whale.
Outgoing March 7, 2011. I was waiting for a long time
9 / 10

LIFEGOESON (Live from RAK Studios) from

charlie fink

on Vimeo . DL: hxxp: / /

Horn Honda Accord 2005


Enfant Terrible

are a trio composed of two French boys and a girl , created in Paris in May 2008. Their songs have a sound

electro dance-sounding indie rock and synthpop

and a touch of 8bit music. All performed with live guitars, drums and


Nintendo gameboy
. I must say that this peculiarity, compared to all groups
of the moment, they makes it really so cool

, I think, in my humble opinion that the decision to keep analog instruments is truly commendable and I must say ... pay. The full-bodied sound and the plaster on the Battery drum

have an unprecedented power and when they attack the guitar synth going on


Their lyrics speak of how young people view the world today, a mix of culture, fashion, web domain, attraction from the video game, and the true feelings sharing of resources. So, I would say even stupid texts, as befits the genre, no? I was expecting them to me good, but not so.

Listen for yourself.
MarKo DL: hxxp: / /

Kates Playground Old Sets


 After the good memories left with "Why Patwork . Here we are with Living Decorations that if one side is a surprise, the other at the bottom are new version of a couple of songs and then a couple of remixes ". Ma una delle caratteristiche di questo lavoro che lo renda veramente apprezzabile è l'energia. Più divertiti che mai, questa volta tornano con un'energia molto positiva. In prospettiva, vista la continua crescita, dovremmo essere in attesa di un capolavoro. MarKio 8/10

DL: hXXp://

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Fortune Cookie Pregnant


Jeniferever are a Swedish post-rock band with a handful of work between LP, EP and singles under his belt. "Silesia" is the band's more recent material that is able to consolidate the work of years, as the result of everything they have done so far. "Silesia" far from sound complicated, it gives us simple sounds and moods that range from the nostalgic but sometimes sweet, as the song of the video I've encoded.
But there's one thing to say, a post rock sound incredible, powerful and sensitive at the same time.
9 / 10

DL: hxxp: / /

Where Do You Find All Rino 5 Holo Plans


production really interesting, both in terms of music (mixed techno and rap), for both scenarios proposed video, really cutting edge.

Poptropica The New Games

Jeniferever - SILESIA (Monotreme Records 2011)

http://www.myspace .com / mrbibio

Not that there's much to say, English Stephen Wilkinson had stunned us in 2009 with "Ambivalence Avenue", many had first approached with Boards of Canada, but the time said that not only does not matter much, but in truth that Stephen created his album the same way as "Concept," almost in styles can be baptized with Neologisms, just as you do with those few genes that create styles and trends so far unseen. Here he is this. The same

Warp to release the album has issued a statement declaring that they are not even a Waits album like that. A sampling of Stephen
can go from a wobbly joke or to sample 70 years older .. but distorted of course, until you get to beat in the quarter that recall the disco-rock

To be clear Bokeh is a term well known in the photograph: it is all that is out of focus.
It's not quantifiable, but the photographers and lens manufacturers are obsessed with it. In Japanese it means "fog", "Blur".
Wilkinson says: I called the album "Mind Bokeh" because I am interested in the effect of blurring the mind is through meditation, or chemicals or anything else - is a state of mind quite alien to Westerners.
The album is like its title, it fits the songs perfectly. On March 28
out Mind Bokeh .. buy it
9 / 10

Private Diagnosis Of Aspergers

COCKROACH And Inesha FEAT VIDEOMIND - Globetrotters

L'8 marzo,


il terzo album.


ha scritto
tra il dicembre del 2009 e il luglio 2010. The songs range from loneliness (the good kind), solitude (such horrible), his "
songwriter and guitarist Jenn Wasner


is a kind of popular music of the 21st century, full of shoegaze guitars

dense, almost melodic rhythms and splashes of clean mail. without relying on conventional structure
, the songs have chords and melodies
fascinating , text and voice Jenn are compelling, fascinating rhythms , and an intoxicating soundscape. Just as good writing has a meaning between the lines, Civilian has one meaning tra i suoni.

MarKio DL: hXXp://