Thursday, March 10, 2011

Cinquain Poem About Aphrodite

Amico (Pronto Raffaella 1984-85) - Raffaella Carrà

Today by chance I heard this song on the radio in 1984, sung by Raffaella Carra and dedicated to our 4-legged friends ... I hit a lot and I wanted to share it with you

We also added to the text is very nice

Who is waiting for you glad to return
Who follows you home every day happy
who walks by your side
who has never run Who wants to play just tired

Who is listening but not talking
Who loves you and gives you the security
Who does not require that a caress
Silently I do not wish Instinctively he

Friend who defends you
That best friend is not
Sudden games with you
got small only if that friend with you

That best friend is not
You gifts loyalty
Very often those who do not know what is goodness
You who speak a language of looks
You wait for me if I come back later
You are happy if I stay at home
You're sad when you see that I cry silently not
pretend nothing I love that you
That best friend is not
You Gift loyalty
Very often those who do not know what is la bontà
Amico che
Che più grande amico non c'è
Tu regali la fedeltà
Molto spesso a chi non sa cosa è la bontà
Amico che
Che più grande amico non c'è
Che più grande amico non c'è

Community Service Letter For Church

KREIDLER - TANK (Bureau B 2011)

un'altra band tedesca, che ha a che fare con l'etichetta "Italic", etichetta dei Von Spar; fanno krautrock, inutile dirlo. a me sono piaciuti molto.

What Kind Of Scanner Do I Need To Make A Comic

Cake with Pineapple and Pistachio Cake

It is

you read that right! Pineapple and pistachios .. a cake you'll love at first bite!
I happened to glance by chance while leafing through old magazines looking for anything .. happen to you to try something and find a thousand others? I very often .. I find recipes that kidnap me but for one reason or another, and so now I can not make me then forget or do not find more .. the only solution I've found is to copy me these recipes on a special quadernino .. my recipe always at hand! This comes from there, which was originally published on Salt & Pepper April 2003, I made a few slight changes ^ _ ^

Focaccia all'ananas 023

INGREDIENTS: 250g of flour

manitoba flour 50g + 00 (flour or all 0)
1 can of canned pineapple (mine was in pineapple juice)
10g yeast
fresh beer 1 teaspoon salt
a handful of roasted and salted pistachios


and then dissolve the yeast in a cup with a little water and let stand.
Take the classic fountain with the flour (I always start to work in a bowl) pour the dissolved yeast in the center and begin to mix with a fork, gradually adding the pineapple juice. I recommend you add it lentamente per non ritrovarvi con una massa molliccia ingestibile! Tenete da parte 1/2 bicchiere di succo.
Trasferitevi sulla spianatoia e lavorate per 10 minuti con una certa energia e aggiungete il sale che avrete sciolto in poca acqua.Una volta che otterrete un impasto liscio e omogeneo ponetelo nuovamente in ciotola, incidete la croce e mettete a lievitare coperto con un canovaccio per circa 1 ora (io metto sempre nel forno con la sola luce accesa).
Riprendete la pasta e rilavoratela brevemente sulla spianatoia per sgonfiarla, incorporate i pistacchi che avrete tritato più o meno grossolanamente e rimettete a lievitare fino al raddoppio.
A questo punto stendetela con le mani in una teglia appena unta con olio di semi, posizionate l’ananas cut into pieces making them sink a little.
Preheat the oven to 190 degrees.
Pour a little juice and if you still want the chopped pistachios on the surface and keep covered until the oven reaches temperature.
Bake for 20-25 minutes, basting again with the remaining juice to halfway through cooking.

And this is the version of finger food with which I participate in the contest Italian atmosphere in their Facebook page , if you like please vote ^ _ ^

Focaccia Finger

also participates in the contest of Catherine
