This year will be a glittering night of San Lorenzo, the moon on August 10 left the scene that the shooting stars will not be disturbed in their shimmering glow of the silver disc that Selene will in fact in conjunction with Sun (new moon). "In the coming days - Adnkronos says astrophysicist Gianluca Masi - the Earth, its path around the Sun, will approach the orbit of comet Swift-Tuttle, which the long-haired star has disseminated its dust particles l 'Last time in 1992. These cometary particles, entering the Earth's atmosphere at high speed, catch fire by friction, as if they were a match' heavenly '. And so' leave contrails in the sky and towards which we know as children we launch our dreams. This phenomenon reveals that therefore to 'fall' are not the stars, but the crumbs of cometa.Il next 'supply' of comet dust - do you know the scientist - will be between 116 years, in 2126, when the Swift-Tuttle will return to its turning point around the Sun. "
The shooting stars are called tears of St. Lawrence, for a maximum time of the phenomenon just happened Aug. 10, the day that marks the martyrdom of the saint. Later, when the maximum has moved forward and to this day the highlight will be between 12 and 13 August, this shift is due to perturbations of other planets which move slightly the orbits of comets and other small bodies in space.
addition c’è stato un altro importante evento, nella costellazione del Centauro, a circa 10.000 anni luce di distanza da noi, è nata una stella gigante, con un raggio cinque volte superiore del nostro Sole e venti volte più massiccia.
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