Good afternoon boys and friends of the blog .... it dawned on me .. .. I have yet to be set aside for a bit 'to week and I take this opportunity to tell my story .....
as you know I'm married to Sandro for almost 8 years .... as all couples who marry in the world, after a period of time we wanted to expand our family, but it was difficult .... not as easy as it seems, is not always lucky enough to get pregnant the first time around and so are the past month ..... after a while 'we started the various examinations, targeted efforts, I have operate due to endometriosis and Sandro of varicocele and from 2003 to 2006 we are already doing to spend another year because after the interventions have to be at rest, and so goes another year ... I understand now that our path will not be easy and that I must try a center of PMA, endometriosis is una brutta malattia che puo' portare alla sterilità e quindi non posso perdere tempo .ci rivolgiamo presso un ospedale, ma i tempi di attesa sono così lunghi e ci chiamano solo a maggio 2008 e nel 2009 facciamo il nostro primo tentativo di inseminazione intrauterina (IUI), poi nel giugno 2009 un altro, ma io so bene che non è questa la strada per noi, ma prendo tutto con molta calma, non voglio avere fretta....parlo con mio marito e dico che voglio rivolgermi ad un centro privato , che ne ho sentito parlare molto bene e che vorrei provare a fare un colloquio lì e così io e mio marito ponderiamo bene questa scelta e a febbraio di quest'anno prendiamo appuntamento e facciamo il nostro primo colloquio....l'equipe mi piace molto, il ginecologo che us even, I feel confident, but I need time to think .... the possibilities are just being young even to below 30% and the costs are not to be underestimated. My husband and I prepare ourselves mentally and economically only in July and decided to call the gynecologist to confirm that and we thought we were ready to take this course of in vitro fertilization else .... half of August and so we feel that we are September. I call in September to start the cycle start and stings, hormones, monitoring and echo control .... the doctor is not very convinced that my ovarian response was not as he had planned and then tells me to stop to avoid a failure .... They are raised on one side because I saw their professionalism, their humanity and the fact that we believe people, not guinea pigs ..... take up with another protocol with the cycle of October ..... November 2 I did pick up (ie the oocyte collection) 5 eggs, 4 are good and are implanted with spermine my Sa (this practice is called ICSI), you fertilize all 4 and 5 November there 2 of 8 implanting cells .... give me a treatment and 14 days of rest at home, after that I can make a bell'esame blood to see if the pregnancy is implanted .... step with these quiet days knowledge that can 'go wrong ...... 16 days ago, I'll do the drawing and tell me to call the gynecologist to 12.30 .... when I call I am alone at home, but knowing that the percentages are low, I have no illusions that much ..... and I feel he replies smiling and says, "Mrs. 400 we have a nice compliment and I know that we have twice as much, continue therapy and redo the taking between three days ".... I close the phone and started to cry and shake with laughter, I was shaking so hard that I could do number of my husband .... in the meantime I will ring the phone and it was him, I cried, and n could talk, he thought it was the other side went wrong and tried to console me ... and I took a deep breath and I shouted: "I AM PREGNANT AND HAVE TWO ".... do not tell the tears of joy when all lo hanno ancora oggi stento a crederci....sono di 7 settimane e abbiamo anche sentito i battiti....Siamo felicissimi e confermo che sono due .....kira è dolcissima ed è sempre accanto a me , come se volesse proteggermi....
Oggi all'eco il ginecologo si è premurato di dirmi massimo riposo perché sono due gemelli , di prendere i farmaci almeno fino alla 12 esima settimana .....Io tutto sommato sto bene, ho solo una forte nausea e molta sonnolenza, tutte fasi normalissime per una persona in gravidanza.....Mi scuso se non vi ho detto nulla prima, ma non era certo che andava bene e quindi volevo essere un minimo sicura.....ancora The road is long, but you are part of my world and I wanted to update you, I'm not sick, but they are just pregnant and now I can scream to the world ...... Thank you all for giving me the expected and sent greetings .... I hope to return soon to the connection better than this .... I am sending you a sweet embrace .... Take care and happy holidays to all ... You are in my thoughts