Saturday, May 15, 2010

Gir From Invader Zim Sweaters

PROJECT BLUE 17 to 20 May 2010: Monday we're off!

Da lunedì e fino a giovedì con le classi seconde della mia scuola saremo a Lignano Sabbiadoro al villaggio turistico GE TUR. Io sono già stato lì nell'estate di qualche anno fa: bellissimo!
Spero di divertirmi molto con i miei compagni e i prof. (Hope the weather is nice) on the school website will publish photos

How Do I Hook Up My Pokemon Ruby To My Computer

Zoo LIGNANO and 'created a Lemur catta

Al Parco Zoo Punta Verde Lignano Sabbiadoro celebrating a birth, a lemur catta, prosimians the long tail ring that naturally live in the forests of Madagascar.
Mum's and Bernie comes from the Zoo of Pistoia while dad is called Nosy Be.
The baby is born a few weeks ago after about 140 days of gestation and at birth weighed about 50 grams.
The baby lemur cling to their mother's breast so that can carry them easily, while newly acquired autonomy, move back; catta lemurs are animals at risk of extinction due to the increasing destruction of their natural habitat.

read on the site BORA.LA

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Lena R And Kristina B Lsm



In the port town of Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, England, there 'was an abundance of fish fall from the sky ... Some fields were completely covered in fish is still fresh. A first possible explanation of the phenomenon 'was given by the Meteorological Service that the rain of fish may have been caused by a small tornado at sea, like a waterspout, which would have sucked up water and fish from the ocean that then they would have fallen to ground.


A brilliant group of English boys won a bet: to build a server powered by the potatoes. The challenge is 'born in a pub between a pint and l' other, and it 'was won by connecting an old PC to twelve potatoes and exploiting the properties of the same electrolyte tubers. The first "server on potatoes" of the world but not' able to handle many users simultaneously if you link to the site and requires the replacement of "battery plant" every 2 days.

The "curiosity" were found on the Internet

Friday, May 7, 2010

Sailboat For Sale Project

Mother's Day May 9 WORK ORDER

Best wishes to all the mothers of the world

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Best Mid Priced Running Shoe

Finally the PC is back to work.